Photo Galary - Volunteer Missionary Peter
Doing God's Work in an un-entered areas of Central Papuan Conference of Papua New Guinea. Below is the Photo galary of Volunteer Missionary Peter doing God's work in Brown River outside National Capital District of Port Moresby.
Take a Break for a Photo....
Our Work is done, still mission incomplete...
Photo #02: This is Peter and his wife Janet with their little missionary Jacob after site has been cleared out. Took whole day to complete the bush clearing.
Oops! Thumbs Up. Work Done.
Photo # 03: Little Jacob (Missionary's Son infront with the ball) going for a lunch break after the clearing was done.
All Close your eyes for Prayer...
Photo #04: All work done and it's time for Lunch Break. Missionary's wife in blue T'shirt (sitting on the white bucket) offered a word of prayer to the bless for the food before going for splash in the Brown River.
Hey Son, let's go for splash...
Photo #05: Missionary and his son are off to the big river - Brown River for a wash after long hours of grass cutting and bush clearing.
Mission Undone...
Photo # 06: Selected site has been cleared. I have one more thing for this site. Building Materials such as corrugated Iron, Nails and timbers for Volunteer Missionary's House and on the other hand the Church is still yet to be build.
Currently worships services are conducted under the shelter of the village chief the man who invited Seventh-Day Adventist Church to be brought to his area dominated by Catholic and United Church.
Please pray for my volunteer missionary and his family including interested members of 40 members who had shown interested during a Youth, Pathfinder and Good Samaritan Evangelistic meetings conducted for 1 week.
More will be added later due to slow connections here..
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